The stratigraphic evolution of the El Paso basin, southern California: Implications for the Miocene development of the Garlock fault and uplift of the Sierra Nevada

1988 ◽  
Vol 100 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-28 ◽  
Geophysics ◽  
1964 ◽  
Vol 29 (3) ◽  
pp. 337-359 ◽  
J. H. Healy ◽  
Frank Press

A seismic and gravity survey along the eastern front of the Sierra Nevada, California, between southern Owens Valley and the Garlock fault, outlines a series of basins with maximum depths ranging from 5,000 to 9,000 ft. These basins follow the front of the Sierra Nevada in a continuous chain with one interruption of about 10 miles near Little Lake. The gravity anomalies indicate that the basins are bounded by a series of high‐angle faults rather than a single large fault. The seismic velocities in the basin deposits appear to correlate with the stratigraphy of the section exposed in the El Paso Mountains. A comparison of Bouguer anomalies with seismic depths indicates a density contrast of 0.35 g/cc in basins less than 3,000 ft deep, and an average but widely varying density contrast of 0.25 g/cc in basins 4,000 to 8,000 ft deep. A digital‐computer program for automatic computation of basin depths from gravity anomalies was evaluated and found to be useful in this type of analysis. Changes in the depth to the Mohorovičič discontinuity cannot produce regional gradients as large as the regional gradients observed in the area of the survey. Either structure on an intermediate crustal boundary or lateral changes in crustal densities, or a combination of these, is required to explain the gravity data.

1982 ◽  
Vol 72 (4) ◽  
pp. 1195-1206
F. Alejandro Nava ◽  
James N. Brune

abstract An approximate reversed refraction profile has been obtained for the center of the Peninsular Ranges of southern California and Baja California Norte using arrival times from Corona blasts to obtain the NW-SE profile, and arrival times from the well-located Pino Solo earthquake of 17 July 1975 to obtain the reversing SE-NW profile. The results indicate a relatively high-velocity crust, with P velocities of 6.57 to 6.95 km/sec, similar to the high velocities found by Hadley and Kanamori (1979). A crustal thickness of about 40 km was found for the axis of the Peninsular Ranges, significantly greater than was found by Hadley and Kanamori (1979) for the average crustal thickness of the northern part of the province. This suggests that the thick crust may be confined to a relatively narrow zone along the axis of the province. The crustal thickness found here is approximately 10 km less than found for the deeper crust of the Sierra Nevada (Bateman and Eaton, 1967; Pakiser and Brune, 1980).

2001 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 304-311 ◽  
Andrzej Bytnerowicz ◽  
Pamela E. Padgett ◽  
Sally D. Parry ◽  
Mark E. Fenn ◽  
Michael J. Arbaugh

Atmospheric deposition of nitrogen (N) in California ecosystems is ecologically significant and highly variable, ranging from about 1 to 45 kg/ha/year. The lowest ambient concentrations and deposition values are found in the eastern and northern parts of the Sierra Nevada Mountains and the highest in parts of the San Bernardino and San Gabriel Mountains that are most exposed to the Los Angeles air pollution plume. In the Sierra Nevada Mountains, N is deposited mostly in precipitation, although dry deposition may also provide substantial amounts of N. On the western slopes of the Sierra Nevada, the majority of airborne N is in reduced forms as ammonia (NH3) and particulate ammonium (NH4+) from agricultural activities in the California Central Valley. In southern California, most of the N air pollution is in oxidized forms as nitrogen oxides (NOx), nitric acid (HNO3), and particulate nitrate (NO3–) resulting from fossil fuel combustion and subsequent complex photochemical reactions. In southern California, dry deposition of gases and particles provides most (up to 95%) of the atmospheric N to forests and other ecosystems. In the mixed-conifer forest zone, elevated deposition of N may initially benefit growth of vegetation, but chronic effects may be expressed as deterioration of forest health and sustainability. HNO3vapor alone has a potential for toxic effects causing damage of foliar surfaces of pines and oaks. In addition, dry deposition of predominantly HNO3has lead to changes in vegetation composition and contamination of ground- and stream water where terrestrial N loading is high. Long-term, complex interactions between N deposition and other environmental stresses such as elevated ozone (O3), drought, insect infestations, fire suppression, or intensive land management practices may affect water quality and sustainability of California forests and other ecosystems.

Geology ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 48 (2) ◽  
pp. 200-204
Youqiang Yu ◽  
Stephen S. Gao ◽  
Kelly H. Liu ◽  
Dapeng Zhao

Abstract The diverse range of active tectonics occurring in southern California, USA, offers an opportunity to explore processes of continental deformation and modification in response to the instability of the Pacific and Farallon plates. Here, we present a high-resolution receiver-function image of the mantle transition zone (MTZ). Our result reveals significant lateral heterogeneities in the deep mantle beneath southern California. Both seismic tomography and MTZ discontinuity deflections reveal foundered lithospheric segments that have dropped into the MTZ beneath the western Transverse Ranges, the Peninsular Ranges, and part of the southern Sierra Nevada. Water dehydrated from these foundered materials may contribute to the observed MTZ thickening. Our observations, combined with previous tomography and geochemical results, indicate that lithospheric foundering of fossil arc roots provides a way for geochemical heterogeneities to be recycled into the underlying mantle, and suggest that the foundered materials can play a significant role in inducing lateral variations of MTZ structure.

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